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MADDYKWS @blogspot.com ♥
Tuesday 19 May 2009

This will be the last post...due to uninvited SPAMMERS....

Off Colleagues and College Mates

I was going through my handbag today and I came upon something really funny....

Any idea what's this? This is the handmade membership card done my by my "club president" Yuka, for her members....Still don't get what I mean? In short, I have nonsense and humorous colleagues of which I love so much...Well, Yuka was having a debate with a few of my colleagues, and outnumbered by them, she decided to form clubs of which consist of her supporters...there you go...she pulled me into this "Yuka's club" of us...I think it have been renamed to "Muffin club" now...Imagine the laugh I had that day, Yuka was trying to pull me into her club while others are pulling me into their club... if you can't read the small print at the bottom...it's about the privileges offered for joining the club. Among them is a free KFC coupon voucher below:

Get what I mean by nonsense? LOL...Another club declared that they provide "happiness"

Ok..Then there's a picture that I took during Wai King's bday in Carl's Junior.. wanted to take with Sherrine coz we're both using the same phone..but somehow..she didn't have the time to SMILE...lesson learn..be prepared..lol...oops sorry sherrine for posting this picture.. You'll still love me the same right? :P

Monday 18 May 2009

Another Great Movie

Although I know nuts bout Star Trek.. always saw it in star world..problem was that the series seem old and unattractive...So, I was in doubt whether i'll watch the Star Trek movie when it first released...but I was appalled..LOL...It was really good...and this is the first movie that made me cry in the first 20minutes of the show.

Yes...Actor and actresses in blockbuster movies like this should be good looking...Left in the picture is Zachary Quinto while Chris Pine (right) looks so cool in this movie.

Do catch this movie before it goes off cinema...a movie not to be missed!

Wednesday 13 May 2009

I'm writing an ANGRY post. Well, I've just realised things I hate the most, previously, it was the feeling of being threatened...but up to date, this the first time I feel like swearing with all those foul languages. For those who know me, I won't erupt so easily but this THING has gone too far. I loathe people whom I care the most and they become unappreciative...A classic example of 'when love turns to hate'. I think of what's best, and when I stop I do not try to exert more harm...but whoever that wants to declare WAR after the relationship will NEVER get my respect again. It's the thing that makes me feel like as if I'm a fool for even bothering in the first place. Please go your own ways coz my tears are definitely not worth for you.
Monday 11 May 2009

I watched X-Men twice! Once was on Wai King's birthday and the next one was with Yew Jin coz yea, I owe both of them that movie. LOL. Well, I didn't really mind watching for the 2nd time as the movie wasn't bad and 2ndly, I didn't pay for it..LOL.. Ok, Well, the first time when I watched it, I just went there to get a rough idea with the perception of being entertained. And Yes I was entertained, proof were:
1. I did not look at my watch to check out the time the whole time the movie was showing.
2. I was concentrating that I did not even ask for my popcorn to be passed back to me. LOL
I'm not going on with the details or giving reviews on the sypnosis... My post is about asking yourself:

If you were to have one of the mutant's power, which would you choose??

I'll actually go for the power of persuasion...this power was possesed by Kayla Silverfox 
(Lynn Collins, picture). She could make whoever she touches to follow her instruction. It's so cool...like if I want my manager to promote me or when I want the lecturer to let us go early...I could just get what I want...LOL...

One character of which caught my interest was Wade Wilson (Ryan Renolds, picture below). He has this cool sword skill. Well, the movie made him to be very talkative, however, due to that nature, the whole cinema had several laughs..one unforgettable scene was when Victor Creed protrude his claws out, Wade wilson took out a nail file and asked Victor 'Manicure?'

Although there may be reviews of the movie being just so-so..I think i like it, as i prefer a movie with storyline, movies with lots of good looking actor and actresses and most importantly, incorporation of a lil humour.
Friday 8 May 2009

Expecting the month of MAY to be full celebration of many may babies... Wish you all


Will post bout the bday celebration once I've compiled it

Monday 4 May 2009

Recently one of my really best friend was undergoing a break up period. Ok, she's still in the whirlpool of tears and sorrows.. and it sort of drag me in too... I couldn't really sleep well last night thinking bout it... then it daunt of me that it has been some time since i've experience this sort of terror.. Mind you, my friend's relationship with her ex was for a duration four years... hey, I thought she's really going to marry him... Things are unpredictable... but i cannot believe that i've lost that sense of break ups...I used to suffer so much trying to fix things... now i'm just suffering working and studying..lol.. far from being depressed.. Probably coz of God's grace.

Anyway..I will try to stop blogging on guys or relationship.. Should blog something happier.. Like friendship... CAT and ACCA is one of my happiest days.. I did not really have love mess... I had really great friends... all those of whom I want to continue to keep in touch for years to come...
Here's the list.. Ok, to be fair...I'll make it in an order of whoever that I first knew.. and... erm..this only includes those who i actually still at least say hi once a while but among those whom i'll remember are Pooi San, Theresa, Tyna, Sherine, Yee zhen, Lam Yew, Cheng Li, Tze Han, Elaine...

List of ACCA friends so close to me:

1. Yi Ting (She's the first girl i actually talked to in Cat)
2. Ai Ling
3. Yeng Han
4. Sifu
5. Beng Wee
6. Tarsem
7. Yin Yin
8. Yew Jin
9. Wai King
10. Kavita
11. Soe
12. Logen

Lol...ok...sorry if i left out anyone..